From the Healing With The Fairies Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue.
This week you’re called to release all anxiety and earthly drama, and to focus on what matters most: your inner peace.
A state of deep inner peace is where you’re the most powerful manifestor. You never need to beg for Union or chase your Twin Flame. As long as you cultivate and prioritise your inner peace, your Twin Flame will chase you! It’s such an incredibly magnetic and attractive quality to have.
Inner peace can’t be faked, and it isn’t the same as numbing your feelings. It’s not something you have to earn either because it’s your natural state of being. Simply surrender to the Truth: you are Divine, you are lovable, you are perfect! You’re safe and perfectly provided for.
Illusions block your inner peace, which is why it’s so important to release them. If you’re committed to manifesting your Harmonious Union, then you must be diligent when it comes to your inner work. When you consistently root out the illusion of separation, you’ll experience consistent results in your experience with your Twin Flame.