Why Does The Twin Flame Runner Run?

The dreaded runner-chaser dynamic is one of the most common blocks that Twin Flames face on their path to Union. Very frequently, Twin Flames wonder how to approach their runner Twin Flame, which of the two categories they fall into, or even if these roles switch. In today’s article, I’ll address the truth about experiencing this dynamic, and how you can heal it from your Union once and for all!

Why Does The Twin Flame Runner Run?

In order to gain deeper clarity about the Twin Flame runner, let’s return to the basics of Twin Flames. You and your Twin Flame are two unique beings who share one consciousness. Twin Flames share the same soul DNA, and make the same core choices because they’re one at the core.

Based on these principles, if you experience your Twin Flame running from you, this means there must be a part of you that is running from yourself or from Love. Running from yourself can look like avoiding feeling your feelings. It’s safe to examine your feelings and beliefs about love in an honest way: do you fear love, or believe it will hurt you in any way? Perhaps you’ve been abandoned in the past, and are terrified of having that experience again.

Whatever the answer is for you, it’s the key to how you can heal this dynamic in your Union. Applying the mirror exercise will give you the much desired relief you seek. The Twin Flame journey is one of self-love, so focusing on what your Twin Flame is doing instead of healing what they’re showing you doesn’t serve you.

How Do I Stop My Twin Flame Runner From Running?

If you’re experiencing the runner-chaser dynamic, you might be tempted to ask your Twin Flame why they’re behaving this way. However, the reason your Twin Flame gives you (if they even answer this question at all) doesn’t matter. What matters is how you feel about it. Your reality is a living thing, and it communicates with you through your experiences and feelings.

It’s your Twin Flame’s responsibility to heal why they feel they need to run, and it’s your responsibility to heal the upsets this experience brings up for you. Because Twin Flames choose as one, you don’t need to worry about what they’re doing. Focusing on self-love and your growth is key. Your Twin Flame will always mirror your choices, whether you choose separation or union.

You’re responsible for feeling good, and choosing to do that only brings you closer to your beloved Twin Flame. Loving yourself all the way to peace ensures you overflow with it from within, and thus have more to share with the world. This is magnetic to your Twin Flame.

If you try to chase your union, it will run away from you. But if you surrender and learn to fall in love with yourself one step at a time, it’s guaranteed that you’ll attract it (and feel great while doing so!).

What Are My Next Steps?

Your Twin Flame is your partner in ascension, which is the reason why they mirror to you even your deepest fears. This is why it’s important not to take your Twin Flame’s behavior personally. To bring awareness to your patterns is an act of divine love, so you can experience permanent freedom and relief from them once you heal them.
If you’re ready to experience massive transformation and all the beauty and love that the Twin Flame journey has to offer you, start with Twin Flames Universe’s Free Twin Flame Ascension Introductory Course and work with me as your Ascension Coach.

The dreaded runner-chaser dynamic is one of the most common blocks that Twin Flames face on their path to Union. Very frequently, Twin Flames wonder how to approach their runner Twin Flame, which of the two categories they fall into, or even if these roles switch. In today’s article, I’ll address the truth about experiencing this dynamic, and how you can heal it from your Union once and for all.

Why Does The Twin Flame Runner Run?

In order to gain deeper clarity about the Twin Flame runner, let’s return to the basics of Twin Flames. You and your Twin Flame are two unique beings who share one consciousness. Twin Flames share the same soul DNA, and make the same core choices because they’re one at the core.

Based on these principles, if you experience your Twin Flame running from you, this means there must be a part of you that is running from yourself or from Love. Running from yourself can look like avoiding feeling your feelings. It’s safe to examine your feelings and beliefs about love in an honest way: do you fear love, or believe it will hurt you in any way? Perhaps you’ve been abandoned in the past, and are terrified of having that experience again.

Whatever the answer is for you, it’s the key to how you can heal this dynamic in your Union. Applying the mirror exercise will give you the much desired relief you seek. The Twin Flame journey is one of self-love, so focusing on what your Twin Flame is doing instead of healing what they’re showing you doesn’t serve you.

How Do I Stop My Twin Flame Runner From Running?

The most important part about your Twin Flame’s running isn’t the reason they give you, but how you feel about it. Your reality is a living thing, and it communicates with you through your experiences and feelings.

It’s your Twin Flame’s responsibility to heal why they feel they need to run, and it’s your responsibility to heal the upsets this experience brings up for you. Because Twin Flames choose as one, you don’t need to worry about what they’re doing. Focusing on self-love and your growth is key. Your Twin Flame will always mirror your choices, whether you choose separation or union.

You’re responsible for feeling good, and choosing to do that only brings you closer to your beloved Twin Flame. Loving yourself all the way to peace ensures you overflow with it from within, and thus have more to share with the world. This is magnetic to your Twin Flame.

If you try to chase your union, it will run away from you. But if you surrender and learn to fall in love with yourself one step at a time, it’s guaranteed that you’ll attract it (and feel great while doing so!).

What Are My Next Steps?

Your Twin Flame is your partner in ascension, which is the reason why they mirror to you even your deepest fears. This is why it’s important not to take your Twin Flame’s behavior personally. To bring awareness to your patterns is an act of divine love, so you can experience permanent freedom and relief from them once you heal them.
If you’re ready to experience massive transformation and all the beauty and love that the Twin Flame journey has to offer you, start with Twin Flames Universe’s Free Twin Flame Ascension Introductory Course and work with me as your Ascension Coach.

Ready To Claim Your Permanent Harmonious Twin Flame Union?

Learn the mirror exercise, the only tool you need to heal Twin Flame separation.

Grab the FREE Twin Flame Ascension E-Course on TwinFlamesUniverse.com.

Free Twin Flame Videos on my YouTube channel.

Join Twin Flames Universe: Open Forum on Facebook to receive support and connect with Twin Flames on their journey to Harmonious Union.

In need of more personal guidance? Let’s get you started on the healing journey to your Harmonious Twin Flame Union.

About Christine

Christine is a Twin Flame in Union and Certified Ascension Coach with Twin Flames Universe.

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