Twin Flame Dreams: Here’s What You Need To Know
We’re all familiar with dreams, but did you know that you can use them to fast-track your Twin Flame Union? Let’s find out how.
What causes Twin Flame dreams?
When you’re asleep, it’s much easier for deep inner feelings and thoughts to surface. Dreams are manifestations of those thoughts and feelings from your subconscious and unconscious. This means that dreams can reveal a lot you weren’t previously aware of, including fears and blocks to your Twin Flame Union.
How Twin Flame Dreams Can Help You Manifest Union
The Divine desires your Twin Flame Union as much as you do. The more you choose to pursue your Twin Flame, the more support you’ll receive to heal separation- this can happen while you’re awake, but it also includes your dreams.
Have you been stuck in a certain pattern in your relationship with your Twin Flame, and you aren’t sure what exactly it is that causes it and how you can heal it? Pay attention to the dreams you’ve been receiving, and you might find an answer there. Since the Twin Flame journey is an inner spiritual journey, becoming aware of those buried thoughts and feelings is invaluable.
What does dreaming about your Twin Flame mean?
What if you had a dream that your Twin Flame was getting married to another? Does it mean anything? Is it a prophetic dream? Could it perhaps be a message from the Universe that your Twin Flame doesn’t love you after all, and that you should try to forget them?
Not really. More often than not, dreams speak in symbolism. This might be very confusing when you’re trying to understand the deeper meaning behind a dream- or if there is a deeper meaning behind your dream at all.
This dream of your Twin Flame marrying another is an invitation for you to face your fears and claim your Union. Notice how you felt during the dream and as soon as you woke up from it. What feelings and thoughts came to the surface? This is going to help you interpret your Twin Flame dream.
How to interpret a Twin Flame dream
The key in interpreting a Twin Flame dream is in feeling your feelings about it. Focus on how the dream made you feel instead of what the dream was.
Let’s return to our previous example: dreaming that your Twin Flame married another. After sitting with it and feeling your feelings about it, you discover that it left you feeling upset because your Twin Flame didn’t choose to be with you after all. Applying the mirror exercise on the feelings that the dream brought up is an excellent way to speed-up your Twin Flame journey:
Step 1: I am upset because my Twin Flame is not choosing to be with me.
Step 2: I am upset because I am not choosing to be with myself.
Step 3: Is there any truth to this statement? Are there any places in your consciousness that you’ve been avoiding? Do you spend quality time with yourself and make yourself a priority, or do you instead choose to numb your feelings by constantly keeping yourself busy?
Step 4: Time to heal this block! Ask the part of yourself that doesn’t feel like you choose it what it needs to feel loved and chosen. Make sure to give it enough time and space to answer. After that, make sure to give this part of yourself exactly what it asked for. This could be a hug, love, or your choice to prioritise yourself and your feelings from now on.
Any misaligned thoughts or beliefs must be healed in order for you to manifest your Union, and a dream provides an excellent opportunity to do so without necessarily manifesting your Twin Flame marrying someone else.
If you feel lost and don’t know where to begin when it comes to healing the blocks to your Twin Flame Union, then work with me as your Ascension Coach.
We’re all familiar with dreams, but did you know that you can use them to fast-track your Twin Flame Union? Let’s find out how.
What causes Twin Flame dreams?
When you’re asleep, it’s much easier for deep inner feelings and thoughts to surface. Dreams are manifestations of those thoughts and feelings from your subconscious and unconscious. This means that dreams can reveal a lot you weren’t previously aware of, including fears and blocks to your Twin Flame Union.
How Twin Flame Dreams Can Help You Manifest Union
The Divine desires your Twin Flame Union as much as you do. The more you choose to pursue your Twin Flame, the more support you’ll receive to heal separation- this can happen while you’re awake, but it also includes your dreams.
Have you been stuck in a certain pattern in your relationship with your Twin Flame, and you aren’t sure what exactly it is that causes it and how you can heal it? Pay attention to the dreams you’ve been receiving, and you might find an answer there. Since the Twin Flame journey is an inner spiritual journey, becoming aware of those buried thoughts and feelings is invaluable.
What does dreaming about your Twin Flame mean?
What if you had a dream that your Twin Flame was getting married to another? Does it mean anything? Is it a prophetic dream? Could it perhaps be a message from the Universe that your Twin Flame doesn’t love you after all, and that you should try to forget them?
Not really. More often than not, dreams speak in symbolism. This might be very confusing when you’re trying to understand the deeper meaning behind a dream- or if there is a deeper meaning behind your dream at all.
This dream of your Twin Flame marrying another is an invitation for you to face your fears and claim your Union. Notice how you felt during the dream and as soon as you woke up from it. What feelings and thoughts came to the surface? This is going to help you interpret your Twin Flame dream.
How to interpret a Twin Flame dream
The key in interpreting a Twin Flame dream is in feeling your feelings about it. Focus on how the dream made you feel instead of what the dream was.
Let’s return to our previous example: dreaming that your Twin Flame married another. After sitting with it and feeling your feelings about it, you discover that it left you feeling upset because your Twin Flame didn’t choose to be with you after all. Applying the mirror exercise on the feelings that the dream brought up is an excellent way to speed-up your Twin Flame journey:
Step 1: I am upset because my Twin Flame is not choosing to be with me.
Step 2: I am upset because I am not choosing to be with myself.
Step 3: Is there any truth to this statement? Are there any places in your consciousness that you’ve been avoiding? Do you spend quality time with yourself and make yourself a priority, or do you instead choose to numb your feelings by constantly keeping yourself busy?
Step 4: Time to heal this block! Ask the part of yourself that doesn’t feel like you choose it what it needs to feel loved and chosen. Make sure to give it enough time and space to answer. After that, make sure to give this part of yourself exactly what it asked for. This could be a hug, love, or your choice to prioritise yourself and your feelings from now on.
Any misaligned thoughts or beliefs must be healed in order for you to manifest your Union, and a dream provides an excellent opportunity to do so without necessarily manifesting your Twin Flame marrying someone else.
If you feel lost and don’t know where to begin when it comes to healing the blocks to your Twin Flame Union, then work with me as your Ascension Coach.
Ready To Claim Your Permanent Harmonious Twin Flame Union?
Learn the mirror exercise, the only tool you need to heal Twin Flame separation.
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