The Twin Flame Journey Calls For Unconditional Self Acceptance

Do you ever get frustrated by where you are on your Twin Flame journey? Perhaps you feel like you should be further ahead, or that you’re too healed for your Twin Flame to be acting this way towards you. Maybe you’ve been really desiring to manifest the next step in your Union but it just isn’t happening right now.
Frustration isn’t caused by the circumstances we’re in, but by our resistance to them. When you resist the current lesson you must learn to move forward on your Twin Flame journey, the Universe will create more opportunities for you to master it.
You can’t skip the lesson, pretend you learned it, or hope that if enough years pass your Twin Flame situation will magically improve. No amount of knocking on a locked door will open it. So you might as well dive into the uncomfortable feeling and heal it because this is what will attract the perfect breakthrough to you.
Wherever you are on your Twin Flame journey is OK. It doesn’t matter if you aren’t sure who your Twin Flame is, if you aren’t in contact, or if you broke up and got back together ten times this last week. It doesn’t matter if on the outside it’s a mess.
When you accept where you currently are, you can finally move forward. When you accept your feelings, you can heal what they’re showing you. This doesn’t mean settling for less than your heart’s desire. It means respecting God through your current life circumstances and working with Him to transcend them.
You aren’t your upsets or your bad days. Just because you go through rough times on your Twin Flame journey doesn’t mean you’ll never experience its beauty and sweetness.
Keep going and trust that everything is falling into place, even though sometimes it may feel like it’s falling apart instead.
Do you ever get frustrated by where you are on your Twin Flame journey? Perhaps you feel like you should be further ahead, or that you’re too healed for your Twin Flame to be acting this way towards you. Maybe you’ve been really desiring to manifest the next step in your Union but it just isn’t happening right now.
Frustration isn’t caused by the circumstances we’re in, but by our resistance to them. When you resist the current lesson you must learn to move forward on your Twin Flame journey, the Universe will create more opportunities for you to master it.
You can’t skip the lesson, pretend you learned it, or hope that if enough years pass your Twin Flame situation will magically improve. No amount of knocking on a locked door will open it. So you might as well dive into the uncomfortable feeling and heal it because this is what will attract the perfect breakthrough to you.
Wherever you are on your Twin Flame journey is OK. It doesn’t matter if you aren’t sure who your Twin Flame is, if you aren’t in contact, or if you broke up and got back together ten times this last week. It doesn’t matter if on the outside it’s a mess.
When you accept where you currently are, you can finally move forward. When you accept your feelings, you can heal what they’re showing you. This doesn’t mean settling for less than your heart’s desire. It means respecting God through your current life circumstances and working with Him to transcend them.
You aren’t your upsets or your bad days. Just because you go through rough times on your Twin Flame journey doesn’t mean you’ll never experience its beauty and sweetness.
Keep going and trust that everything is falling into place, even though sometimes it may feel like it’s falling apart instead.
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