The 7 Stages Of Twin Flame Reunion

Today we’re going to talk about the stages of the Twin Flame reunion. A lot of sources focus on what these look like externally, thus creating a lot of confusion. The journey to Union is first and foremost an inner one, which means that to receive any clarity at all, we must first go within ourselves.

Stage 1: Realisation

This is when the process of your Twin Flame awakening truly begins. It happens when you’ve experienced enough contrast in romantic relationships so as to desire something different. A good number of people arrive at the stage of Realisation after a bad marriage, a long-term relationship that left them feeling discouraged, or a series of mis-matched relationships.

In the Realisation stage, you begin to wonder, what if there’s something more? Something better? The old relationship paradigm no longer satisfies your soul. A part of you craves a deeper, life-changing connection with a partner who shares all your core values and will be willing to grow with you. However, at this stage you aren’t sure if such a thing is even possible, or simply a hopeful daydream.

Stage 2: Awakening

This is when you awaken to your heart’s true desire. During the Realisation stage, this desire was a tiny whisper at the back of your mind. In the Awakening stage, the whisper becomes a call. You begin to recognize your desire for your Ultimate Lover as a constant, a treasure that has always lied beneath the surface but you only recently uncovered.

You recognize that the relationships the world offers are shallow and cheap, but you still crave a relationship all the same. A lot of people encounter one or more false Twin Flame connections during the Awakening stage. These experiences provide them with valuable healing and insights that will eventually magnetise their true Twin Flame.

Stage 3: Choice

After you’ve had enough contrast in your relationships, and you’re finally fed up, it’s time to make your choice: will you have Union with your beloved, or continue to remain in the hell of separation? This choice is inevitable on your Twin Flame journey, and the only way you can succeed is to choose Union.

A common mistake people make on their Twin Flame journey is that they never go beyond the Awakening stage because they’re afraid. They will try to excuse it as “waiting on Divine Timing” or “if it is for me, then it will happen”. This is an extremely passive way to view your Twin Flame journey, and one that is going to keep you in a loop of constant waiting until you make the choice to break the cycle.

You must choose your desire and you must choose your Union. Only then can your Twin Flame journey truly begin.

Stage 4: The Twin Flame Journey

Now that you’ve made your choice to have your Twin Flame Union, you must take the steps to manifest it. You must create the appropriate conditions for your relationship with your Ultimate Lover to thrive.

During this stage, you raise your vibration into Union. You will be called to eradicate all separation from your consciousness. Every fear, every false belief must be uprooted. It isn’t always pleasant to face those feelings and heal, but it’s what will bring you the most peace, joy, and relief in the long-term. Remember that your Twin Flame journey is not only the way to your Ultimate Lover, but also an ascension journey back to God.

The mirror exercise and the teachings of Union are essential to navigating this stage of your Twin Flame reunion successfully. Mastering the mirror exercise is mastering how to love yourself.

If you feel lost and don’t know where to begin when it comes to navigating your Twin Flame journey, then work with me as your Ascension Coach.

Stage 5: Twin Flame Union

Congratulations! Your hard work and perseverance have paid off, and you’re finally in Union with your true Twin Flame.

This is not the end, however. It is only the beginning of a wonderful life full of love and wonder. Now you and your Twin Flame can start aligning your lives and healing into deeper Oneness. You’re still going to experience upsets during this stage, so use of the mirror exercise is essential.

Manifesting your Twin Flame Union is easy. However, many people struggle to maintain it because they sink into complacency. They feel that, just because their Twin Flame has finally committed to them, they can now stop loving themselves, growing their relationship, or living their Life Purpose. Remember that your Twin Flame Union is a garden, and much like the beautiful flowers, it still requires loving care and attention to blossom.

Stage 6: Harmonious Union

As you continue to heal with the mirror exercise, it’s inevitable that you’ll eventually root out all core separation from your beloved. You and your Twin Flame are naturally going to arrive at a deep understanding of your Oneness.

During this stage, you and your Twin Flame understand that you’re not separate beings, and that you’ll be together forever. This leads to a deep, core harmony between you. Once you have arrived at this harmony, you can keep it eternally.

Stage 7: Perfect Union

Achieving Perfect Union with your Twin Flame means achieving Perfect Union with God. It means that you’ve completed your ascension process. You no longer experience any upsets, problems, or illusions. Only perfect love flows between you and your Twin Flame. It’s the final destination of your Twin Flame journey, and what your soul has been desiring on a deep level all along.

Today we’re going to talk about the stages of the Twin Flame reunion. A lot of sources focus on what these look like externally, thus creating a lot of confusion. The journey to Union is first and foremost an inner one, which means that to receive any clarity at all, we must first go within ourselves.

Stage 1: Realisation

This is when the process of your Twin Flame awakening truly begins. It happens when you’ve experienced enough contrast in romantic relationships so as to desire something different. A good number of people arrive at the stage of Realisation after a bad marriage, a long-term relationship that left them feeling discouraged, or a series of mis-matched relationships.

In the Realisation stage, you begin to wonder, what if there’s something more? Something better? The old relationship paradigm no longer satisfies your soul. A part of you craves a deeper, life-changing connection with a partner who shares all your core values and will be willing to grow with you. However, at this stage you aren’t sure if such a thing is even possible, or simply a hopeful daydream.

Stage 2: Awakening

This is when you awaken to your heart’s true desire. During the Realisation stage, this desire was a tiny whisper at the back of your mind. In the Awakening stage, the whisper becomes a call. You begin to recognize your desire for your Ultimate Lover as a constant, a treasure that has always lied beneath the surface but you only recently uncovered.

You recognize that the relationships the world offers are shallow and cheap, but you still crave a relationship all the same. A lot of people encounter one or more false Twin Flame connections during the Awakening stage. These experiences provide them with valuable healing and insights that will eventually magnetise their true Twin Flame.

Stage 3: Choice

After you’ve had enough contrast in your relationships, and you’re finally fed up, it’s time to make your choice: will you have Union with your beloved, or continue to remain in the hell of separation? This choice is inevitable on your Twin Flame journey, and the only way you can succeed is to choose Union.

A common mistake people make on their Twin Flame journey is that they never go beyond the Awakening stage because they’re afraid. They will try to excuse it as “waiting on Divine Timing” or “if it is for me, then it will happen”. This is an extremely passive way to view your Twin Flame journey, and one that is going to keep you in a loop of constant waiting until you make the choice to break the cycle.

You must choose your desire and you must choose your Union. Only then can your Twin Flame journey truly begin.

Stage 4: The Twin Flame Journey

Now that you’ve made your choice to have your Twin Flame Union, you must take the steps to manifest it. You must create the appropriate conditions for your relationship with your Ultimate Lover to thrive.

During this stage, you raise your vibration into Union. You will be called to eradicate all separation from your consciousness. Every fear, every false belief must be uprooted. It isn’t always pleasant to face those feelings and heal, but it’s what will bring you the most peace, joy, and relief in the long-term. Remember that your Twin Flame journey is not only the way to your Ultimate Lover, but also an ascension journey back to God.

The mirror exercise and the teachings of Union are essential to navigating this stage of your Twin Flame reunion successfully. Mastering the mirror exercise is mastering how to love yourself.

If you feel lost and don’t know where to begin when it comes to navigating your Twin Flame journey, then work with me as your Ascension Coach.

Stage 5: Twin Flame Union

Congratulations! Your hard work and perseverance have paid off, and you’re finally in Union with your true Twin Flame.

This is not the end, however. It is only the beginning of a wonderful life full of love and wonder. Now you and your Twin Flame can start aligning your lives and healing into deeper Oneness. You’re still going to experience upsets during this stage, so use of the mirror exercise is essential.

Manifesting your Twin Flame Union is easy. However, many people struggle to maintain it because they sink into complacency. They feel that, just because their Twin Flame has finally committed to them, they can now stop loving themselves, growing their relationship, or living their Life Purpose. Remember that your Twin Flame Union is a garden, and much like the beautiful flowers, it still requires loving care and attention to blossom.

Stage 6: Harmonious Union

As you continue to heal with the mirror exercise, it’s inevitable that you’ll eventually root out all core separation from your beloved. You and your Twin Flame are naturally going to arrive at a deep understanding of your Oneness.

During this stage, you and your Twin Flame understand that you’re not separate beings, and that you’ll be together forever. This leads to a deep, core harmony between you. Once you have arrived at this harmony, you can keep it eternally.

Stage 7: Perfect Union

Achieving Perfect Union with your Twin Flame means achieving Perfect Union with God. It means that you’ve completed your ascension process. You no longer experience any upsets, problems, or illusions. Only perfect love flows between you and your Twin Flame. It’s the final destination of your Twin Flame journey, and what your soul has been desiring on a deep level all along.

Ready To Claim Your Permanent Harmonious Twin Flame Union?

Learn the mirror exercise, the only tool you need to heal Twin Flame separation.

Grab the FREE Twin Flame Ascension E-Course on

Free Twin Flame Videos on my YouTube channel.

In need of more personal guidance? Let’s get you started on the healing journey to your Harmonious Twin Flame Union.

About Christine

Christine is a Twin Flame in Union and Certified Ascension Coach with Twin Flames Universe.

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