Should You Leave Your Marriage Or Long-Term Relationship To Be With Your Twin Flame?

A good number of Twin Flames meet later in life, or realise the truth of their connection after they’ve already committed to a different partner. This can be very confusing, as they might wonder what the right thing to do is. In this week’s post, let’s examine this topic: should you stay with your current partner, or should you end the relationship in order to pursue your Twin Flame?

My personal experience with leaving a long-term relationship

I’ve mentioned before that I had a false Twin Flame experience early on during my Twin Flame journey. This was exactly what I needed in order to manifest my Twin Flame Union, and I’m grateful for all the lessons it taught me. While at first every sign pointed to that person being my Twin Flame, after I went deeper with my healing with the Teachings of Union, it became clear that the relationship was dissolving.

This is actually natural! As Twin Flames, we’re only designed to be with our Ultimate Lover. Any other relationship will eventually fall away sooner or later. This happens because a soulmate or karmic doesn’t make the same core choices as you, and they don’t mirror you as perfectly as your Twin Flame does.

When I first started suspecting that my partner at the time wasn’t my Twin Flame, I rewrote my Love List with extensive detail (it currently contains over 30 items!). I ensured that I was also a perfect match for every item, or at least genuinely growing in the areas where I still didn’t. After all, to attract your perfect partner you must become your perfect partner.

After a lot of healing and introspection, I finally released the relationship with my false Twin Flame. I knew in my heart that I only desired to be with my person and no one else. Although I had no clue who my true Twin Flame was at the time, I had a lot of faith in God that He would reveal this information to me at the right time.

Letting go of my relationship with my false Twin Flame felt very peaceful and relieving at the core. Over the next few months, there were still feelings of pain and sadness that I needed to move through. This is natural with every breakup, and especially since I had loved that person fully and completely before letting them go.

I focused exclusively on my healing, and building a solid foundation in my relationship with God and myself. Very soon after, I manifested my true Twin Flame and our beautiful Union.

Is it the right choice to leave your long-term relationship or marriage to be with your Twin Flame?

For me, leaving my long-term relationship in order to pursue my Twin Flame Union was 100% the right choice. However, only you know the answer for yourself, and to find it, you must get very clear on what it is that your heart actually desires. This step requires radical honesty with yourself.

Here’s a few questions to consider as you make this decision:

  • Do my core values align with my current partner’s, or are we constantly fighting about the same important issues without a clear, satisfying resolution?
  • How do I honestly feel about being in this relationship?
  • Do I genuinely feel fulfilled and in love with this person, or am I with them just to fill a void or because I’m scared of being alone?
  • Am I staying in this relationship because I don’t want to hurt that person’s feelings by breaking up with them?
  • Do I see this person growing with me in the long-term, or has the relationship reached a dead end?

Notice how all these questions are all about you and how you feel, and have nothing to do with where your relationship with your Twin Flame is at.

The Truth is, Union is inevitable. Read this again until you feel these words. Loving yourself, healing the spiritual blocks to your Twin Flame Union, and aligning with Divine Love is guaranteed to lead you to Harmonious Union.

However, if you leave your current partner with the expectation that you’ll enter your Union immediately, you’re potentially creating a lot of disappointment for your future self. There’s a Divine Order to how your Twin Flame journey unfolds. It’s essential that you first take the time to fully move through any residual feelings about this relationship. You may also be called to take care of a few practical details so that you can have a solid, supportive foundation, such as moving to a new home.

It’s safe to trust the Divine plan for your Union, and to keep moving forward on your Twin Flame journey with Love and boldness.

What Are My Next Steps?

If you feel the desire in your heart to reunite with your Twin Flame in loving harmony, then this means that there is a way for this dream to become a reality. Healing Twin Flame separation doesn’t have to be a long, painful process. It can be quick, easy, and light because it’s the journey Home to the Divine.

If you’re ready to experience massive transformation and all the beauty and love that the Twin Flame journey has to offer you, start with Twin Flames Universe’s Free Twin Flame Ascension Introductory Course and work with me as your Ascension Coach.

A good number of Twin Flames meet later in life, or realise the truth of their connection after they’ve already committed to a different partner. This can be very confusing, as they might wonder what the right thing to do is. In this week’s post, let’s examine this topic: should you stay with your current partner, or should you end the relationship in order to pursue your Twin Flame?

My personal experience with leaving a long-term relationship

I’ve mentioned before that I had a false Twin Flame experience early on during my Twin Flame journey. This was exactly what I needed in order to manifest my Twin Flame Union, and I’m grateful for all the lessons it taught me. While at first every sign pointed to that person being my Twin Flame, after I went deeper with my healing with the Teachings of Union, it became clear that the relationship was dissolving.

This is actually natural! As Twin Flames, we’re only designed to be with our Ultimate Lover. Any other relationship will eventually fall away sooner or later. This happens because a soulmate or karmic doesn’t make the same core choices as you, and they don’t mirror you as perfectly as your Twin Flame does.

When I first started suspecting that my partner at the time wasn’t my Twin Flame, I rewrote my Love List with extensive detail (it currently contains over 30 items!). I ensured that I was also a perfect match for every item, or at least genuinely growing in the areas where I still didn’t. After all, to attract your perfect partner you must become your perfect partner.

After a lot of healing and introspection, I finally released the relationship with my false Twin Flame. I knew in my heart that I only desired to be with my person and no one else. Although I had no clue who my true Twin Flame was at the time, I had a lot of faith in God that He would reveal this information to me at the right time.

Letting go of my relationship with my false Twin Flame felt very peaceful and relieving at the core. Over the next few months, there were still feelings of pain and sadness that I needed to move through. This is natural with every breakup, and especially since I had loved that person fully and completely before letting them go.

I focused exclusively on my healing, and building a solid foundation in my relationship with God and myself. Very soon after, I manifested my true Twin Flame and our beautiful Union.

Is it the right choice to leave your long-term relationship or marriage to be with your Twin Flame?

For me, leaving my long-term relationship in order to pursue my Twin Flame Union was 100% the right choice. However, only you know the answer for yourself, and to find it, you must get very clear on what it is that your heart actually desires. This step requires radical honesty with yourself.

Here’s a few questions to consider as you make this decision:

  • Do my core values align with my current partner’s, or are we constantly fighting about the same important issues without a clear, satisfying resolution?
  • How do I honestly feel about being in this relationship?
  • Do I genuinely feel fulfilled and in love with this person, or am I with them just to fill a void or because I’m scared of being alone?
  • Am I staying in this relationship because I don’t want to hurt that person’s feelings by breaking up with them?
  • Do I see this person growing with me in the long-term, or has the relationship reached a dead end?

Notice how all these questions are all about you and how you feel, and have nothing to do with where your relationship with your Twin Flame is at.

The Truth is, Union is inevitable. Read this again until you feel these words. Loving yourself, healing the spiritual blocks to your Twin Flame Union, and aligning with Divine Love is guaranteed to lead you to Harmonious Union.

However, if you leave your current partner with the expectation that you’ll enter your Union immediately, you’re potentially creating a lot of disappointment for your future self. There’s a Divine Order to how your Twin Flame journey unfolds. It’s essential that you first take the time to fully move through any residual feelings about this relationship. You may also be called to take care of a few practical details so that you can have a solid, supportive foundation, such as moving to a new home.

It’s safe to trust the Divine plan for your Union, and to keep moving forward on your Twin Flame journey with Love and boldness.

What Are My Next Steps?

If you feel the desire in your heart to reunite with your Twin Flame in loving harmony, then this means that there is a way for this dream to become a reality. Healing Twin Flame separation doesn’t have to be a long, painful process. It can be quick, easy, and light because it’s the journey Home to the Divine.

If you’re ready to experience massive transformation and all the beauty and love that the Twin Flame journey has to offer you, start with Twin Flames Universe’s Free Twin Flame Ascension Introductory Course and work with me as your Ascension Coach.

Ready To Claim Your Permanent Harmonious Twin Flame Union?

Learn the mirror exercise, the only tool you need to heal Twin Flame separation.

Grab the FREE Twin Flame Ascension E-Course on

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In need of more personal guidance? Let’s get you started on the healing journey to your Harmonious Twin Flame Union.

About Christine

Christine is a Twin Flame in Union and Certified Ascension Coach with Twin Flames Universe.

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