Here’s What Scares the Divine Masculine Off (and How to Attract the Love You Truly Desire!)

Do you feel a magnetic attraction toward your Divine Masculine but notice that he seems distant or reluctant to fully engage and commit to you? You’re not alone. Many Divine Feminines experience this push-pull dynamic with their Twin Flame, and it can feel frustrating and confusing. However, understanding what’s going on with the Divine Masculine is a game changer!

The Divine Masculine energy is all about purpose, freedom, and balance. When these core needs aren’t met, he can retreat or pull back. If you’ve been struggling to connect with your Divine Masculine, here are the key behaviours that could be scaring him off, and how to shift your approach so as to invite deeper love and connection into your relationship.

1. Neediness

One of the biggest turn-offs for the Divine Masculine is neediness. Wanting attention, affection, and validation from your partner is natural. However, when you depend on your Divine Masculine to fill all your emotional needs or be the source of your happiness, it can feel suffocating to him. After all, he’s only human! The Divine Masculine seeks to feel free and empowered within the relationship, not burdened with the weight of being your source of joy and fulfillment.

How to Shift: Instead of seeking validation or attention from your Divine Masculine, focus on cultivating your own sense of worth and joy as an individual. Invest your time and energy into activities that bring you happiness and fulfillment on a soul level, and master the necessary skills that will take your confidence to the next level, such as the art of setting boundaries. When you show up as a whole and complete person, you create space for your Divine Masculine to show up in a balanced and loving way.

2. Putting Him on a Pedestal

Since the connection between you is so deep, it’s easy to idealise your Divine Masculine. However, putting him on a pedestal can (and will!) create a toxic dynamic in your relationship. The truth is, your Divine Masculine is human, just like you. He will make mistakes, learn, and grow. Expecting him to be perfect or to live up to unrealistic standards is not only unfair to him, but it can also create an unspoken pressure that pushes him away.

How to Shift: Allow your Divine Masculine to be his authentic self. Instead of holding him to unattainable standards, appreciate him for who he is at this moment. Let him know that you see and value him unconditionally. When you do this, you’ll invite a more grounded and genuine connection. It’ll also take the pressure off both of you to be perfect, and instead you’ll be able to show up as your true authentic self; something that will naturally deepen your Union and take it to the next level.

3. Chasing Him

In the pursuit of love and connection, it’s easy to slip into the pattern of chasing your Divine Masculine. Whether it’s through texting him too often, trying to force conversations, or becoming overly available, chasing unintentionally creates an energy of desperation that repels rather than attracts. The Divine Masculine is naturally drawn to strength, confidence, and independence. When you pursue him from a place of neediness, it signals that you’re not fully respecting yourself or your own worth.

How to Shift: Instead of chasing or trying to force the relationship to move forward, focus on respecting your own space and energy. Make yourself your priority so that you no longer feel the need to chase your Divine Masculine. By showing your interest in a balanced, non-pressuring way, you allow the relationship to evolve at its natural pace. This approach intrigues your Divine Masculine, and it empowers him to pursue you.

4. Trying to Control

Control can be a huge issue in any relationship, but it’s especially amplified in Twin Flame dynamics. The Divine Masculine craves freedom and autonomy, so when the Divine Feminine tries to control or micromanage aspects of the relationship, it can feel stifling. Whether it’s about making decisions for him, telling him what to do, or constantly trying to fix the relationship, trying to control will always backfire. It’s not worth it, really.

How to Shift: The solution is simple: surrender. Allow the relationship to unfold naturally and organically. Trust that the connection between you is strong enough to weather any challenges, and give each other the freedom to be who you truly are. Meanwhile, build your faith and trust in your Creator’s Divine plan for your Union. When you stop trying to control the outcome, you actually create the space for deeper, more authentic connection.

The Key to Attracting Your Divine Masculine

Instead of trying to force or chase the relationship, the real solution lies in attracting your Divine Masculine. The Divine Masculine is attracted to the Divine Feminine who is confident, joyful, independent, and deeply in touch with her own worth. Energy doesn’t lie, so you can’t “fake it till you make it” with your Twin Flame.

Instead, what you can do is address the deeper reason that influences these behaviours. Is your neediness based on not feeling enough and complete within yourself? Is putting him on a pedestal maybe a “safe” way to relate to him because you’re terrified of connecting to him as an equal? Whatever the deeper reason, it’s important to identify what it is for you and heal in this space. That way, your Divine Masculine will naturally be drawn to you, and that’s how you create the conditions for true, lasting love to thrive.

Ready to Deepen Your Twin Flame Connection?

If you’ve been feeling stuck on your Twin Flame journey and want to learn how to create a deeper, harmonious connection with your Divine Masculine, I invite you to explore the resources available on my website. Whether you’re looking for information or personalized guidance to help you navigate the complexities of your Twin Flame journey, I can help you break free from patterns that are holding you back and empower you to manifest the love life you desire and deserve.

Book an Introductory Session with me today, and let’s work together to bring more clarity, peace, and balance into your romantic life. You don’t have to navigate this journey alone. Let’s unlock the potential of your Divine Union together!

By focusing on your healing and spiritual awakening, you can attract a loving, balanced Union with your Divine Masculine. So, take a step today toward a deeper connection that honors both your needs and his.

Ready for change? I’m here to guide you.

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About Christine

Christine is a Twin Flame in Union and Certified Ascension Coach with Twin Flames Universe.

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