Can Twin Flames Move On From Each Other?

“Once you’ve loved, it never goes away. You can shut down and stop going forward but you can’t shut down and go backward.”
–Twin Flame Ascension School, W1 Class 25
Can your Twin Flame forget about you? If you’ve not had any contact with your Twin Flame for a while, you might start to wonder. Will they move on and date a soulmate? If yes, why is it so hard for you to do the same without feeling like you’re completely betraying yourself? And can you move on from your Twin Flame and be happy without them?
Can your Twin Flame forget you?
When Twin Flames come together, they experience the profound depths and richness of Divine Love for the first time. Even if you’ve had loving relationships before, whether romantic or platonic, it just doesn’t compare to the way being with your Twin Flame feels.
This happens because your Twin Flame is designed to love you perfectly in every way. No one else on the planet can do it better than your Twin Flame, and no one can love your Twin Flame the way only you can.
Twin Flames are also designed to be everything each other could ever desire in a lover. Your core values and soul designs are a perfect match. Your visions for your future are perfect complements. Your romance deepens eternally and never fizzles out, unlike with a soulmate.
So how can your Twin Flame forget the one who was made for them? The truth is, they cannot, no matter how they try. No karmic or soulmate will ever compare to you because you’re the one who was created to be with your Twin Flame.
Can you cut cords with your Twin Flame?
Twin Flame pairs are created at the same time as One being by the Divine. This means that, no matter the external circumstances, Twin Flames are always together at the core. Your Twin Flame is you, and you can’t separate from yourself in Truth. This is why cutting cords with your true Twin Flame is impossible, unlike in any other soulmate or karmic relationship.
Most people who want to cut cords with their Twin Flame are actually looking for relief from the painful emotions that arise on the Twin Flame journey. Being around your Twin Flame can feel very intense if you aren’t prepared for it, which is why many believe that it’s their Twin Flame who is the source of their pain and upsets.
Your Twin Flame isn’t the cause of those upsets. They simply hold a mirror up so that you can become aware of where the pain had been all along. The purpose of this process isn’t to hurt you, but to help you release this pain and find freedom and relief from it.
This means that you don’t have to detach from the love in your Twin Flame Union in order to experience peace in your life. Healing and learning the lessons of your Twin Flame journey is what leads you to harmony in all areas of your life and, ultimately, Twin Flame reunion.
What Are My Next Steps?
If you feel the desire in your heart to reunite with your Twin Flame in loving harmony, then this means that there is a way for this dream to become a reality. Healing Twin Flame separation doesn’t have to be a long, painful process. It can be quick, easy, and light because it’s the journey Home to the Divine.
If you’re ready to experience massive transformation and all the beauty and love that the Twin Flame journey has to offer you, start with Twin Flames Universe’s Free Twin Flame Ascension Introductory Course and work with me as your Ascension Coach.
“Once you’ve loved, it never goes away. You can shut down and stop going forward but you can’t shut down and go backward.”
–Twin Flame Ascension School, W1 Class 25
Can your Twin Flame forget about you? If you’ve not had any contact with your Twin Flame for a while, you might start to wonder. Will they move on and date a soulmate? If yes, why is it so hard for you to do the same without feeling like you’re completely betraying yourself? And can you move on from your Twin Flame and be happy without them?
Can your Twin Flame forget you?
When Twin Flames come together, they experience the profound depths and richness of Divine Love for the first time. Even if you’ve had loving relationships before, whether romantic or platonic, it just doesn’t compare to the way being with your Twin Flame feels.
This happens because your Twin Flame is designed to love you perfectly in every way. No one else on the planet can do it better than your Twin Flame, and no one can love your Twin Flame the way only you can.
Twin Flames are also designed to be everything each other could ever desire in a lover. Your core values and soul designs are a perfect match. Your visions for your future are perfect complements. Your romance deepens eternally and never fizzles out, unlike with a soulmate.
So how can your Twin Flame forget the one who was made for them? The truth is, they cannot, no matter how they try. No karmic or soulmate will ever compare to you because you’re the one who was created to be with your Twin Flame.
Can you cut cords with your Twin Flame?
Twin Flame pairs are created at the same time as One being by the Divine. This means that, no matter the external circumstances, Twin Flames are always together at the core. Your Twin Flame is you, and you can’t separate from yourself in Truth. This is why cutting cords with your true Twin Flame is impossible, unlike in any other soulmate or karmic relationship.
Most people who want to cut cords with their Twin Flame are actually looking for relief from the painful emotions that arise on the Twin Flame journey. Being around your Twin Flame can feel very intense if you aren’t prepared for it, which is why many believe that it’s their Twin Flame who is the source of their pain and upsets.
Your Twin Flame isn’t the cause of those upsets. They simply hold a mirror up so that you can become aware of where the pain had been all along. The purpose of this process isn’t to hurt you, but to help you release this pain and find freedom and relief from it.
This means that you don’t have to detach from the love in your Twin Flame Union in order to experience peace in your life. Healing and learning the lessons of your Twin Flame journey is what leads you to harmony in all areas of your life and, ultimately, Twin Flame reunion.
What Are My Next Steps?
If you feel the desire in your heart to reunite with your Twin Flame in loving harmony, then this means that there is a way for this dream to become a reality. Healing Twin Flame separation doesn’t have to be a long, painful process. It can be quick, easy, and light because it’s the journey Home to the Divine.
If you’re ready to experience massive transformation and all the beauty and love that the Twin Flame journey has to offer you, start with Twin Flames Universe’s Free Twin Flame Ascension Introductory Course and work with me as your Ascension Coach.
Ready To Claim Your Permanent Harmonious Twin Flame Union?
Learn the mirror exercise, the only tool you need to heal Twin Flame separation.
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In need of more personal guidance? Let’s get you started on the healing journey to your Harmonious Twin Flame Union.
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