Are You Choosing Your Harmonious Twin Flame Union?
If you ever feel lost or powerless on your Twin Flame journey, remember that you’re the one who holds the key. Nothing can move forward without your explicit permission.
To have your Twin Flame in your life, you must choose that. Choice involves both spiritual intent and action. You can claim you choose your Union all you want, but unless you’re committed to the inner work and the path that will lead you there, you haven’t truly made that choice at all.
How do you know you are choosing your Harmonious Union? Here are some questions to consider:
- Are you consistent and committed when it comes to your inner work?
- Do you follow God’s Divine guidance every time without fail?
- Are you allowing your Twin Flame to fulfil their role as your Ultimate Teacher by healing what they’re mirroring to you?
- Are you building a relationship with the Teachings of Union, such as by watching Twin Flame Ascension School every week or reading the book?
If you haven’t answered “yes” to all of the above, that’s OK! Keep those in mind as the next areas to improve on. Your Twin Flame journey is a work in progress, and you’re never required to be “perfect” or anything other than you already are right now. Simply take the next step forward, and then the next, and you’ll find yourself into the arms of your beloved sooner than you expect.
- Are you consistent and committed when it comes to your inner work?
- Do you follow God’s Divine guidance every time without fail?
- Are you allowing your Twin Flame to fulfil their role as your Ultimate Teacher by healing what they’re mirroring to you?
- Are you building a relationship with the Teachings of Union, such as by watching Twin Flame Ascension School every week or reading the book?
Ready To Claim Your Permanent Harmonious Twin Flame Union?
Learn the mirror exercise, the only tool you need to heal Twin Flame separation.
Grab the FREE Twin Flame Ascension E-Course on
Free Twin Flame Videos on my YouTube channel.
In need of more personal guidance? Let’s get you started on the healing journey to your Harmonious Twin Flame Union.